Social Media Survey for a Hotel

Read more below about the importance of running a social media survey for your hotel and see examples of the types of questions to ask in your questionnaire. When you’re ready to build your survey/form, see our hotel survey software recommendations.

Should I use a Social Media Survey?

This survey is incredibly useful for a hotel because social media plays a crucial role in the hospitality industry. By gathering feedback from guests about their social media habits and preferences, the hotel can tailor their social media strategy to better engage with their target audience. The survey can also provide insights into what guests are saying about the hotel on social media, allowing the hotel to address any negative feedback and improve their reputation. Additionally, the survey can help the hotel understand which social media platforms are most popular among their guests, allowing them to focus their efforts on those platforms and potentially reach a wider audience. Overall, this survey can help the hotel improve their social media presence, enhance guest satisfaction, and ultimately drive more bookings


Hotel Social Media Survey Questions

Looking for a social media survey sample? Some examples of questions you can use in a sample social media survey for your hotel are:

1. How often do you use social media to research hotels before booking a stay?
2. Which social media platforms do you use to research hotels?
3. Have you ever booked a hotel based on social media content?
4. How important is a hotel’s social media presence when considering where to stay?
5. What type of content do you find most helpful on a hotel’s social media page?
6. Have you ever shared a post from a hotel’s social media page with friends or family?
7. How likely are you to follow a hotel on social media after staying there?
8. Have you ever left a review of a hotel on social media?
9. How important is a hotel’s response to reviews and comments on social media?
10. Would you be more likely to book a hotel that offers exclusive deals or promotions through social media?


When To Use This Survey

The best time to use a Social Media Survey for a Hotel would be after a guest has checked out of the hotel. This is because the guest has just experienced the hotel’s services and facilities and their feedback would be fresh in their minds. Additionally, the guest would have had time to reflect on their stay and would be able to provide more detailed and accurate feedback. It is also important to send the survey in a timely manner, preferably within a few days of the guest’s departure, to ensure that the experience is still fresh in their minds. This will increase the likelihood of receiving a response and obtaining valuable feedback that can be used to improve the hotel’s services and facilities


Other Survey Templates For Hotels

In addition to a customer satisfaction survey, a hotel may also use a social media survey to gather feedback from guests. This type of survey would be conducted through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The survey would ask guests to rate their experience at the hotel and provide feedback on specific aspects such as the quality of the room, the cleanliness of the hotel, and the level of customer service. The hotel would also ask guests to share their experience on social media and provide recommendations to their friends and family. This type of survey would help the hotel to understand how guests are sharing their experiences on social media and how they can improve their social media presence to attract more guests


Survey & Form Software for Hotels

There are dozens of survey/form app options you could use in your hotel. From our years of experience in giving advice to businesses, we’re confident that we can recommend the best option to suit your needs and budget. Get in contact to receive tailored recommendations.

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